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thai herbal product, thai herb, thai herbal inhaler

Jo's Herb
Scent The Organics

The development of Thai herbal products in the world market will make Thai herbs more leaders and leaders in the world trade arena. ​

All of our products use raw materials directly from farmers' plantations. We select only good strains of local herbs to use in making products. It is to help farmers live and better living conditions Go along with us.

"Discover the magic of handcrafted herbal products from the heart of Thailand. Jo's Herb Story brings you authentic, locally-sourced, and ethically-made products that are as effective as they are beautiful"

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About Section

Herbal Inhaler 20g.

Herbal Inhalant is a medicine used for inhalation. Contains many herbal ingredients such as menthol, borneol, camphor and essential oils extracted from plants. Makes it smell cool. Inhale and feel refreshed, relaxed, and help relieve stuffy nose, dizziness, and headaches.

Jo's Herb 100% herbal inhaler, no chemical ingredients. and perfume, no worries about allergies Inhale as often as needed.


Authentic herbal raw materials from local Thailand. Combining hand-made craftsmanship, piece by piece, packaging materials are made of quality rubber wood.


Anti-corrosion coating from herbal oil can be used for a long time Good for souvenirs Or to buy and use by yourself is suitable. The packaging is beautifully designed, suitable for hands, not easy to fall, suitable for collection.

Essential Yellow Massage Oil 10ml.

Yellow oil also known as Plai oil. It is a traditional medicine of Thailand. Passed down knowledge from ancient times. It has medicinal properties that help relieve and eliminate dizziness, dizziness, and sprains. Relieve body pain It also helps with insect bites and stings.

Jo's Herb's essential yellow massage oil extracted from various herbs according to traditional formulas from 100% natural ingredients without chemicals. therefore safe and worry-free Design packaging to look modern. Can be used by all genders and ages natural herbal fragrance Used to relax on tired days.

Borneol Essential Massage Oil 10ml.

Borneol oil helps relieve insect bites and stings, relieves aches and sprains, gives a refreshing aroma, smells it to cure dizziness, motion sickness, and uses it to massage to relieve pain. Fatigue from doing various activities can be good.

Jo's Herb's borneol essential balm oil extracted from local natural herbs with traditional production methods of local villagers.

Do not mix any chemicals It is 100% natural herbs, so you can be confident that there will be no allergic reactions.

Thai borneol essential oil, organic borneol oil, Thai balm oil
jo's herb Thai herb


Monday - Friday

9.00 am - 18.00 pm

jo's herb Thai herb
“Feedback from customers Come be number one Attention to quality and standards and good service is our foundation”


Content creator, 24

“I really like the natural, fresh scent."

Actor, 28

"Smells great, people with allergies can use it. Because it is a pure natural herb, there is no perfume."

Marketing officer, 36

“It smells very good. Light scent, not too strong, I like it.”

High school teacher, 32

“Beautiful package, smells good, can be used for a long time, is beautiful to hold and doesn't embarrass anyone. Most importantly, it's made from real herbs. I like it."

Lawyer, 39

"The quality is very suitable for the price. At first I was thinking about it, but after using it, I can tell you I'm not disappointed."

Web designer, 26

“Good answer to the question, good product, why not support it? Importantly, it's not just a pretty package. Plus it smells really good. I like it.”
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